【同义词辨析】 2017-11-17 推动push-propel

push: implies the application of force by a body already in contact with the body to be moved: ~ the door open.   注意两个词的区别: move移动remove移除

shove: implies a strong and often fast, sudden, or rough pushing that forces something along or aside: ~d the man out of my way.

thrust: suggests less steadiness and greater violence than push and implies the application of a single abrupt movement or action: ~ the money into my hand and ran away.     还表示飞机火箭引擎等产生的向前推力,如forward thrust推力   词组thrust upon表示强迫某人拥有或接受某物to force someone to have or accept something,如fame was thrust upon her她的名气是强加的(她可能并不想着要出名),如莎翁的名言"be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness, others have greatness thrust upon them"不要畏惧伟大,有人生而伟大,有些人通过努力变伟大,还有的人不得不伟大(被强加的)

propel: suggests a driving rapidly forward or onward by a force or power that imparts motion: ships ~led by steam.

push推: 表示触碰并用力推动,shove猛推: 更加粗暴突然,thrust推动冲刺: 比push突然和更用力,常表示短暂一次性的动作,propel驱动: 表示提供快速驱动

记忆方法: 1)首字母PSTP想成频频推搡<==推动               推搡: 推来推去,用力推

        2)推动的意思是用力使向前靠边mean to cause to move ahead or aside by the application of force.